
SwitzerlandMobility Foundation

(formerly Cycling in Switzerland Foundation)


In 1993, a number of enthusiastic touring cyclists from Olten had the idea 
of creating a network of national cycle-tour routes in Switzerland. 
They contacted the Swiss Tourism Federation, who immediately supported the idea.
Together they initiated the Cycling in Switzerland Foundation, in which many
organizations from traffic, sport and tourism were represented.


In 1995, work on the planning and realization of Cycling in Switzerland 
was able to begin, commissioned by all Swiss cantons. Nine national routes were
planned with a total length of over 3000 kilometres and standard signalization
throughout Switzerland in all cantons. Attractive route guides for these nine routes
were published.


In spring 1998, Cycling in Switzerland was inaugurated by Federal Councillor 
Adolf Ogi. Since then, around 150 million kilometres are covered 
every year on Cycling in Switzerland national routes; equivalent to the distance 
from the earth to the sun.


In 1998 the Cycling in Switzerland Foundation broadened their objectives 
for sustained leisure and tourism offers to the areas of hiking, 
cycling, mountain biking, skating and canoeing (collectively called non-motorized
traffic to develop these in combination with public transport.


1999y–2002 the Cycling in Switzerland Foundation developed the «Human 
Powered Mobility», their contribution to the Expo. 02 (Swiss National Exhibition) into
slowUp, which was first held in the region around lake Murten.


As regional motorized-traffic-free experience days, slowUp makes a 
considerable contribution to promoting non-motorized traffic and mobility using 
own muscle power. The number of slowUp events continues to grow and 
now takes place in most regions of Switzerland. In the meantime, the total number 
of participants has reached half-a-million.


In 1999, the Swiss Hiking Federation contacted the Cycling in Switzerland Foundation
with an interest in developing Hiking in Switzerland.


In 2000, joint discussions led to the concept of SwitzerlandMobility. 
The objective was the development of a national network of leisure and tourism
routes for non-motorized traffic.


Following a period of extensive preparation, the Cycling in Switzerland Foundation
and Swiss Hiking Federation were able to begin realization of 
SwitzerlandMobility in autumn 2004. The contracting body comprised various 
Swiss federal departments, the Swiss cantons, the Principality of Liechtenstein and
again many organizations from traffic, sport and tourism.


Thanks to excellent teamwork by all partners, the SwitzerlandMobility Foundation
(successor to the Cycling in Switzerland Foundation) was able to
successfully launch SwitzerlandMobility in spring 2008, after a little over 

three years realization work.